
This is a collection of hundreds of recordings of talks given by Swami Kriyananda. 

Murali Venkatrao is a minister at Ananda Washington and is best known for his traditional Indian storytelling, as well as his teachings on Yoga.  

Nayaswami Hriman is a minister and co-spiritual director of Ananda Washington and answers questions submitted by the sangha in this video series. 

We have a large database of Sunday Service recordings from the past few years.  


Ananda Worldwide offers several books for free, including Parmhansa Yogananda’s “Autobiography of a Yogi,” and Swami Kriyananda’s “The New Path.”

This is a collection of articles written by Paramhansa Yogananda and Swami Kriyananda.

In Hriman’s Blog, “A Rain of Blessings,” he covers topics relevant to current events and his daily musings. 

Crystal Clarity is the publishing house run by Ananda Worldwide.  They publish hundreds of titles by Swami Kriyananda, Paramhansa Yogananda, and various Ananda ministers and members. 


This is a library of Ananda Washington’s recorded chants and kirtans.

A collection of talks by Swami Kriyananda in mp3 format, audio only.

Murali Venkatrao guides us through the proper pronunciation of Sanskrit words, such as the names of chakras and yoga poses. 

Ananda offers a continuous playlist of music; chants and songs by Swami Kriyananda. 


Read blog posts, find events, and listen to music from Ananda Worldwide.

Ananda offers a mobile meditation app. The app has many recorded meditations, which can be customized by length and content. 

During the pandemic, our ministers Hriman and Padma gave daily readings and interpretations of Paramhansa Yogananda’s texts, including Whispers from Eternity. 

Ananda Worldwide has released two major motion pictures: “Awake,” a movie about Ananda Village, and “The Answer,” a movie about Swami Kriyananda’s life with his guru, Paramhansa Yogananda.  Ananda also offers on-demand video recordings of classes presented by Murali Venkatrao on the Mahabharata and the Bhagavad Gita.