Why Meditate?

Meditation has been taught around the world for thousands of years, and has many variations.  In daily life, energy flows out from the brain to the body, from the mind to the senses.  Meditation offers the chance to regain control of restless energy and direct it back to the brain; to withdraw from the outside world and interiorize ourselves in the inner self.  This redirection of energy helps the meditator to cultivate the higher faculties of the human mind: calmness, willpower, concentration, and even love.

Meditation improves all aspects of life – relationships, career, physical and mental health are all improved by developing inner calmness.  Scientists and doctors attest to its benefits, and now many sports teams, corporate executives, and celebrities practice some form of meditation.

The highest purpose of meditation, however, is to “know thyself.”

Why Learn Meditation at Ananda?

Ananda follows the teachings of the great Indian guru Paramhansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi.  Yogananda’s book, now world famous, discussed many details of his life and his instructive encounters with various saints and swamis.  Yogananda’s mission was to spread the teachings of ancient India in the west, and to show the similarities between eastern and western religious philosophies.

Following Yogananda’s example, Ananda teaches meditation as a way of life, not simply as a set of techniques.  More than just breath-work or mindfulness, the goal of meditation is to put the meditator in touch with their own divinity.  Ananda offers the support and resources for
aspiring yogis to deepen their practice in the form of intentional communities where aspiring yogis can live, and classes on meditation technique and the ideal lifestyle of a yogi.

While Ananda has deep roots in spirituality, all are welcome from any or no faith.  Meditation is for everyone, and there is a way to make it
work in everyone’s life. Wherever you are, whatever you do, you can
incorporate meditation into your daily life and have results that are
life transforming.

Group Meditation Calendar

Guided Meditations & Meditation Support

Meditation Courses

Learn to Meditate

Begins June 4, 6:30 - 7:30pm

During this four-week class series, you will learn the basics of meditation to help you establish a daily practice. Each class will offer inspiration for your practice, clear and simple
meditation techniques, two guided meditations, and time for questions
and answers – so you feel confident and ready to start your own

8 Week Course in Meditation

Next Scheduled: TBD

In this 8-week course, you will learn time tested and universal techniques to relax the body, focus the mind through breath awareness, and expand into higher awareness.  Students will establish their own meditation practice supported by like-minded souls and friends.  Let’s begin the journey of spiritual transformation together!

Related Courses

The Art & Science of Raja Yoga

Ananda most comprehensive and popular course. An in-depth 12-week course in yoga, meditation and the Eight-Fold path.

The Path of Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga is an ancient meditation technique brought to the west by Paramhansa Yogananda, by which we can have a direct intuitive experience of God as our own true Self.

"The soul loves to meditate, for in contact with the Spirit lies its greatest joy." Paramhansa Yogananda